Sending warm wishes to you and a heartfelt welcome to our new readers! May we receive the blessings of Easter and Ramadan.

Here in Northern California, it’s springtime – my favorite time of year! Seeing once-barren twigs start to sprout tiny pink apple blossoms or the daffodils and narcissus burst with yellow blooms gets me near-giddy. I know all the flora whispers to my soul, waking me up again and again.

Rejuvenation. Hope. New possibilities. As mature women, women “of a certain age,” we’ve journeyed through many seasons in this life – the joys of youth, the busyness of our earlier adulthood – raising families and establishing careers, the heartaches and disappointments that seemed unfair or overwhelming at times. If you’re like me, you may now find yourself in new territory as an older woman, looking at the years ahead and wondering what this new season can bring.

The good news is that no matter what has happened in the past, there is always the possibility of renewal and rebirth. The Divine has a way of opening new paths just when the old ones seem closed off. With an open heart and spiritual curiosity and hunger, we can keep growing, deepening our faith, and making the most of this precious life.

As mature women, we have the wisdom of those years behind us AND when we take great care of ourselves we’ll also have plenty of vitality for the years ahead. This can be a time to reprioritize what matters most. It may mean facing, honoring, and releasing some of the pain we’ve inadvertently held on to so we can access all our vital energy, vibrance and joy!

Knowing we don’t want to stay mired when we can live more fully, I’m offering a master class, “Reclaim Your Joy: Rediscover Your Soul’s Delight When Life’s Hit You Hard” on April 9th. It’s important to recognize that the disappointments of the past can become portals into a new way of being if we choose to walk through them instead of remaining bogged down.

This season of life, just like springtime, can be one of growth, renewal, and a sweetness if we approach it with compassion, humor, and faith that everything is in Divine Order – even when it doesn’t look that way. You can trust that something wonderful is still emerging in your life’s journey.

ps – check out my upcoming master class on April 9th:

Reclaiming Your Joy:
Rediscovering Your Soul’s Delight When Life’s Hit You Hard

“Life is hard.” That very first line of M. Scott Peck’s The Road Less Traveled caught me off guard! As a rather naive 20-something, I rather expected adulthood to be way easier than my childhood had been. Life is hard was a slap in the face/wake-up call.

Life IS hard. And pain IS inevitable, although, as you may know, suffering is optional. All too often we wind up in the suffering and, unfortunately, staying there. We can use the pain and heartaches we expreience as portals to a deeper, richer life we hadn’t dreamed of. Join me for my Reclaiming Your Joy master class on April 9th!

Register and find out more here: