Peeking into the future. Do you follow any astrologers, psychics, or other prognosticators? I tune in to a few that I find interesting (e.g., Matt Kahn, Lee Harris, Kari Samuels, Pam Gregory). Every one of them seems to agree that 2024 will be intense!

When my son was a baby, we had a mobile hanging over his crib. Elephants, zebras, tigers, monkeys, his own little animal safari. He’d laugh and kick and wiggle all over when we’d tap one animal and all the other animals would jiggle, too.

Over the years, I’ve seen that life is like that mobile. A person makes a change in her life and all the other characters and circumstances in her life get jiggled, too. Even wonderful changes can rock us.

Let’s face it – there’s a lot of heavy-duty jiggling going on in the world these days. And if our prognosticators are right, there is likely more to come.

So, how can we ride the waves as successfully as possible?

First, of course, is to ready yourself – recognize that the waves are coming (whether these folks are right or not about the BIG waves, change is inevitable). Take time to find the things that are true for you, so you’re not tossed about by the storm. (A Soul Spa session is a great way to tune into your center -see the offer below) Our faith in our connection to the Divine will serve us.

Certain of that core strength, we can remain open and resilient. When we make the conscious choice to stay connected and still be open (to the best of our ability), we can be more aware of opportunities that do arise and what shifts we need to make. The storm may throw a lot of garbage at us or even tear our roof off, but we can learn to remain open to the guidance that comes.

Change – sometimes we love it, sometimes we’re afraid of it. The Unknown! If we can ride these waves, shift what we need to, and adapt, we evolve. We get to be a part of the ever-continuing flow of life. When we resist, we’re likely to get battered on the rocks. (I don’t see that happening to our “tribe” but for those who insist on clinging to what no longer works- some folks we may love may fall into that category.)

I invite you to close your eyes, take a breath, and let your awareness drop into your heart. Doing this, we’re building our heart-center strength to ride the waves ahead!

Love and blessings~