“She decided to free herself, dance into the wind, create a new language. And birds fluttered around her writing ‘yes’ in the sky.” Monique Duval


Have you ever decided to free yourself from a situation that had you in chains of some sort? It may not have been easy, but once you’d set yourself free, life was oh-so-much better?

I know I have!

Before I met my now-husband, I’d been seeing another man for quite a while. We’d met at church and were both active in our community. From the outside, it looked like a pretty good match. Unfortunately, on the inside was a different story. There were huge red flags in the relationship that I kept trying to overlook (including my own co-dependency)! After all, he was such a well-respected man in our community, I kept thinking I was lucky. And I kept trying to do my best to “make it work.”

Until the day he stood me up to “comfort” an old girlfriend. Finally, I came to my senses, recognized all the red flags, and decided to free myself. I wanted more from a relationship. I DESERVED more in a relationship. To be honest, I cried myself to sleep a few nights, but freeing myself from that relationship – despite what others thought or had to say – was a reclaiming of my dignity, self-esteem, and self-respect. It was an opening for many wonderful things that have happened since. Within a few months, I’d started a new job, applied to grad school and started to rediscover what I wanted for my life, rather than filter it through someone else’s desires and plans.

Thank goodness for that freedom!

What experiences have opened up for you when you set yourself free?