Although it’s several weeks in, I want to wish you special blessings for 2020 and the new decade!  These are exciting times, aren’t they?  Not necessarily comfortable, but exciting.  More and more of us recognizing the need to shake the old off, so we can move about in a new, freer way.  So we can be and do what we’re really here for.

The things that light us up.  The things that have that Life Force in them.

From the time I was a little kid, I’ve felt there was something more magical inside me that wanted to come out, to be expressed than would be acceptable in my little world.  But it was too scary or felt too dangerous to let it out, so it stayed locked in.   And in some ways, I think it cried itself too sleep most every night.  And gave up hope.

Breaking Free

In my recent podcast episode, Breaking Free from Good Girl Prison, I talk about the story of the little elephants who were chained to big stakes in the ground.  Chains and stakes too big for the little elephant to break free from.   They “learned” – or came to believe – that they could not break free, so they stopped trying.  Even after they were huge enough to pop that stake out like a toothpick, they didn’t try.

I think these times are calling for us to recognize that we can break free from a lot of the chains that had us shackled.  That we can escape from the prisons we’ve been in and get lit up for life, for what’s in store.  Woo hoo!

I recently re-discovered this quote from Clarissa Pinkola Estes, which captured just what I’ve been thinking:

“Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity and ageless knowing.  Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species.  Though the gifts of wildish nature come to us at birth, society’s attempt to ‘civilize’ us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled deep, life-giving messages of our own souls. Without Wild Woman, we become overdomesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped.”

About a year ago, my own Life Force, my wild woman, ignited with the idea of FLAMBÉ – Feeling Like A Million Bucks Everyday!   All of which began with my memories of my mother dressing up and saying she felt like a million bucks.   Of course, there’s a bunch of story behind that, but suffice it to say that FLAMBÉ has lit me up!   And I want to share that sense of joy and vitality!

I’ve developed a 6 week program called Finding Your FLAMBÉ!  And if the idea of being ignited for your life, feeling like a million bucks (or more) everyday, sounds good to you, let’s have a quick call and see if this program is a good fit.  You can schedule an appointment by clicking on this link:

If you have questions, please let me know!



She Moves Mountains Podcast

Break Free From Good Girl Prison

Flappers, FLAMBÉ and the New Decade

The She Moves Mountains podcast is on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify!    I’d be grateful if you’d subscribe, rate and review an episode!