Sending love and blessings your way!  Here in my area of Northern California, we’re already little blessings of springtimeenjoying springtime, even if it doesn’t officially arrive for a week.  We’ve even got dozens of teensy-tiny figs on the tree and bunches of wildflowers just below!  Gotta count all those little blessings.

With all the concerns about the corona virus and its wide reaching effects – from health care to financial – it’s easy to start getting a little panicky, right?  The more people reacting in fear, the worse it seems to get. The fear may be even more contagious than the virus!

I’m sure you’ve read all about taking precautions, especially if you’re in one of the more at-risk groups. So, I’ll just echo those: wash your hands often, avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, stay at home, especially if you’re sick.  Take exquisite care of yourself on the outer.

But, I also invite you to take time for your inner work, connecting with the Divine, recognizing the Divine Spark within you.  Deepening your faith and trust that, even if things look bleak, there is a Divine Plan at work.  And letting your light shine brightly.

A favorite book of mine is Change Me Prayers by Tosha Silver.   Here’s a beautiful prayer from that book:

Awakening to Inner Divinity

Divine Beloved, may I only wish Your wishes for me.  Let me see myself as you see me.  May I know my own Divinity in every moment and may our desires be One.

Grant me peace, happiness, and contentment, trusting that whatever is meant to happen, will always happen.  May I be a vehicle for all You wish to occur.

Change me Divine Beloved into One who can easily offer you even the deepest desires, knowing You already have the perfect plan for me.  You know the longings of my own heart.

May I sense when to wait, and when to act, and always follow Your lead.

May I always let what wants to go, go and what wants to come, come.

I am Yours.
You are Mine.
We are One.
All is well.


This prayer usually gives me a blessed sense of relief when I get into my spins about life not looking the way I think it’s supposed to.  I hope it does the same for you.

As I write this, I imagine you, me, all those who read this to be held in Divine Love.  I see us being able to set ourselves free from old beliefs that no longer work for us – and to step into being able to express ourselves more freely, so we can do the work we’re here to do!


With the spread of the coronavirus, there IS a lot of fear about what will happen.  However, last night as I was noticing some of my own concerns rising up, I got the clear message that, yes, things will be changing AND that these changes will bring opportunities to bring our hearts and voices out even more.  To express ourselves more freely and with greater confidence and certainty, for this is how we’ve been made – not to merely smolder, but to be alive and vibrant.

Freer self-expression, our unique expression of the Divine is the desired outcome of the Finding Your FLAMBÉ program I launched last month.  It’s a six week one-to-one program to discover YOUR way to FLAMBÉ – Feeling like a million bucks (or more) every day.

I have 3 spots available for the program.  If you’re interested in hearing more about the program or talking with me about keeping connected to your inner spark or your deeper work, I’d love to talk with you.  Here’s a link to set up a 30 minute call:

Listen in to the She Moves Mountains Podcast

The She Moves Mountains podcast is also on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify!    I’d be grateful if you’d subscribe, rate and review an episode!