Earlier this month, I went back east to attend my grandson’s high school graduation. It seems amazing that the baby I held has grown up, while I don’t feel like much time has passed. How can I be 18 years older? lol!


This was yet another milestone that reminded me how quickly life is moving. And not to be morbid, but I’ve lived more years than I have ahead of me and that makes me aware that there’s an energy inside me that feels a little like, ‘let’s get moving, girlfriend, there’s work to be done.’

What work, I’m not exactly sure. I sometimes start to panic – what if I MISS doing what I’m here to do? What if I’m so busy futzing around that I MISS being the woman God created me to be?

Then I ‘happen upon’ something that eases my mind, my heart, my soul. This is from Melody Beatty in The Language of Letting Go:

“God’s will for us is not hidden like a buried treasure…It is right there inside and around us. It is happening, right now. Sometimes, it is quiet and uneventful and includes the daily disciplines of responsibility and learning to take care of ourselves…Sometimes it is grand.”

“If it is a quiet day, trust the stillness. If it is a day of action, trust the activity. If it is time to wait, trust the pause. If it is time to receive that which we have been waiting for, trust that it will happen clearly and with power, and receive the gift in joy.”

I often remind my clients they can relax and trust the process (clearly a message I need for myself as well!). Each day, as we do our best, may we let go of the striving and trust that we can relax and trust – maybe even ENJOY – the process. Seeing each moment as part of the unfolding of our life’s purpose.

Sending love and blessings. And Happy Fourth to those in the States!