A couple of days after Thanksgiving in the United States and I’m noticing a tightness in my chest.  I had a quiet Thanksgiving and have so much to be grateful for, yet I am conflicted inside – as I have been for days.  I have such an abundant life and about 90 miles away from me, a whole town has been burned to the ground.  People I know have lost their homes, their animals, their possessions, escaping with their lives.  Many I don’t know have lost theirs.

I found it a little hard to celebrate when so many have lost so much.

I realize loss like this happens often.  Many, many others have suffered such loss.  But this time, I was breathing in the smoky air, seeing the ash covering everything.  It became more real to me. I am humbled and heartbroken.

The Sacred Yes

Recently, I’ve been reading a book called, “The Sacred Yes” by Reverend Deborah L. Johnson.  One of my main takeaways is about being in the yes, rather than fighting what is.  Her writing has inspired me to be a little more at ‘yes’ with my daily letters to God…letting myself write out the answers I think God is giving me.

Following is part of one that felt really important at this point in time.

“Your world is experiencing a lot of upheaval.   You think you can control this life – if you do all the right things.  And then someone walks into your yoga studio and begins to shoot.  Or a raging fire somehow pops up and rages through your town.  These things happen.  And they highlight the fact that YOU are not in control.   I did not cause things to happen to punish, but these are signs of changing times.

You Americans, especially, think your good times will last forever, that you will be the strong ones, the powerhouses forever.  That you are the “right ones” because you’ve been so strong and powerful.  But times change.  What goes up must come down as you say.  When I say be prepared for change, I mean to learn to be adaptable to what comes next.   Be in the yes.   If you can be adaptable, by slowing down perhaps and quieting yourself and steadying yourself a bit as the ground under you shifts, that will help you move through the uncertain times.  Trying to hold on to what was is futile…you can not go back – that time has passed.”

The devastation of the fires in California reminds me that I can’t really keep grasping on to things, thinking that they are permanent.  They are not.  These are shifting times and it’s in our best interest to learn to be adaptable.  Oh, wait!   That’s evolution, isn’t it?

If you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet you’re a healer, light-worker, coach, or a type of way-shower for these times.  You’ve probably done a ton of work to hone your skills, your gifts, your talents.  Maybe you haven’t felt quite ready to step forward.  Maybe you don’t feel strong enough or capable enough or BIG enough to make a difference.  (Yes, I’m talking to myself, too!).  These are the thoughts and beliefs that we need to let go of, and let the Divine sweep away.  Because now we’re needed more than ever.

May I do what I can

Recently I heard a man with a deep love for God say something that really struck me: “Let me do what I can, with what I’ve got, for those who will listen.”

That statement was really powerful for me.  It reminds me, as someone who tends to think I’m not quite ready yet, that I don’t have everything in order yet, that it doesn’t matter if I’m “ready” – that God, the Divine, Allah, doesn’t need me to have it all together to do the work.  All that’s required is for me to do what I can, with what I’ve got.  As much or as little as I think that is doesn’t matter.

Again, I know if you’re reading this, you have gifts to share.  Gifts that people are hungry and thirsty for, especially right now.  So, at this time of thanksgiving and the beginning of the holiday season, remember you ARE the gift.  Just be you.  Amazing you.

What are some of the gifts you know you do bring?  And, what are some of the things that you are aware you probably need to let go of in order to bring those gifts out more fully?


Photo: by Steve Halama on Unsplash