If you’re on Facebook much, you’ve probably been inundated with posts filled with the outrage of Roe v Wade being overturned. Not forgetting the availability of guns in hands that shouldn’t have them, racial inequality and injustice, political madness to name just a few.

You may be experiencing anger and outrage that has likely been boiling for some time. Wrenching heartache that has been twisting inside for some time.

In one of my meditations leading up to the Soul Soak I did last Saturday morning, I was shown that in all of our anger or outrage or heartache, we are also holding a huge amount of bitterness. Bitterness that is poisoning us and poisoning our efforts to make change. Bitterness that festers in the nooks and crannies of our hearts and souls.

During the Soul Soak, we received a message that it was important to let go of the bitterness, but that the sacred fire, the holy fire inside us was being stoked.  We stand for justice, for what is right, but our strength is not tainted with bitterness.

I know that the world we live in is hard. It’s easy to become angry and resentful, to harden our hearts in response.

Even though you have your moments of wanting to let your inner Kali loose (don’t we all?), you know there’s a better way. You know your way is different.

If you’ve struggled the past months with bitterness or heartache, I understand. If you would like to access the replay of the June Soul Soak, please reply to this email, so I can send you the access info.

But, you may recognize that you want more, a greater sense of relief, a release of that pain and bitterness. That’s why I’m offering a new 3-session package to do a deeper healing and releasing of the heartache and bitterness that you might be feeling.

The work you do, the light you bring to this world, is special. It’s meant to flow through you with love.

So, I ask you to take a moment now to just feel into your heart area. If you feel tight or clenched or unbearably sad, you’re not alone! And you don’t have to deal with it alone. Please reach out to me to find out more about the above-mentioned package. Here’s the link to schedule with me: https://kamalamurphey.as.me/soulspa-consult

Peace to your heart and passion to your purpose,
