Heroine’s Heartchetype

The dog-eat-dog way of doing business can feel brutal, especially to heart-centered women! You feel isolated, misunderstood, and unable to be truly authentic.

In-your-face marketing strategies and win-at-all-costs methods make you wonder if you’re meant to be in business. Well, as we’ve seen, the business world is changing – and we need a new game plan to create the true success we want.

This is quite an undertaking – a true adventure! We are the heroines of these times and of our lives! Our hearts will be our compasses. Understanding your Heroine’s Heartchetype will give you equipment you’ll need for the adventure!

Complete the Heartchetype Assessment below to receive your Heartchetype results and tools to empower you to build business YOUR way. Remember, this is YOUR time to shine!

Directions: Give yourself a few minutes of uninterrupted time. Take a few deep breaths and let your awareness focus on your relationship to your work or business. From the perspective of this relationship, the intersection of your heart and your work (the Sweet Spot), rate the following statements. 5 is the most true, 1 is the least true.

Don’t overanalyze, dear one, let your heart or inner knowing give you the answers –